Neustadt Orgelsommer 1

Dance and Variations

Wooden Organ

Anonimo (sec. XVI):
– “Brabanschen ronden dans ofte Brand” from Susanne van Soldt Manuscript, 1599

Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566):
– Differencias sobre el Canto Llano del Caballero

John Dowland (1563-1626):
– Pavana Lachrymae

Anonimo (sec. XVII):
– “Daphne” from Camphuysen Manuscript

Main Organ

Giovanni Battista Ferrini (1601-1674):
– Ballo di Mantova

Johann Kaspar Kerll (1627-1693):
– Passacaglia

Antonio Martín y Coll (1650-1734):
– “Bayle del Gran Duque” from Flores de música (1709)

The event is finished.

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